May 23rd, 2024
From now on, in the free plan you'll have:
3 daily pages to save/annotate/organise/share (= 90 instead of 25 per month)
Each page only counts once, even if you return later to continue annotating/sharing the same page
3 daily AI sessions (= 90 instead of 25 per month)
A session starts every time you interact with the AI features on a given page until you close the tab or navigate away from the page
15 instead of 30 day trial with full capabilities of using everything
Super snappy sidebar, cut almost 1 second off the open time on first load
Reduced flickering of in-page search
First stabs at improved onboarding flows that brings people faster from Zero to AHA!
For some users the regular sync and backups would have not been executed
Fix Space bar bleeding into host page when pulling up the in-page search
Fix progress bar display of automated backups
Fixing a bunch of issues with the subscription handling
Mobile app fixes on Android where going back from "Share to Memex" would make app crash (saved data was always safe)