Follow new updates and improvements to Memex.
July 26th, 2024
So much good new stuff!
Please reach out via the live chat or respond to this update if anything does not work, there were lots of changes and moving parts and we’ll fix any bug immediately.
We’re planning right now which tools to integrate with next (Zapier, Notion, Tana, IFTTT, Remnote, Evernote etc) and want to know which tools you prefer.
» Please take this 30s poll !
Up until now you were only able to create sub-spaces via the dashboard. Now you can do that via the picker too! We’re already working on typing “/” to search and add new Subspaces.
Click on the > or on the path above the space name or use ➡ on your keyboard to unfold the Spaces
+ to add a new Subspace to an entry
⬆⬇ to navigate through the Subspaces.
You can now easily edit and re-run a prompt if you were not satisfied with the results.
This works on every part of the response.
Now the YouTube transcripts autoscroll with he video progress & you can select the transcript language too!
Now the label will move to the outside of the drag selector if the range is less than 10% of the video.
Previously you had to tediously type in one address after the other.
Now just comma separate them.
Disabling/Reenabling the tooltip will now work without having to reload the page
Clicking around on highlight will now work on “Mousedown” making everything aaaa lot snappier
Annotation Tooltip can be resized now
The tooltip should not go out of bounds anymore and now reposition inside the screen properly.
July 22nd, 2024
GPT-4o-mini is now the default model, deprecating the use of GPT-3.5
34x cheaper than GPT-4o and 60% cheaper than GPT-3.5
Comparable performance to gpt-4o
Image + Text Support like previously with Claude-3-Haiku
Code blocks show up more nicely now, properly scrollable
Though not perfect yet, annoating code blocks seems to be more tricky to retain indentation and line breaks than I thought.
Readwise sync improvements
[[WikiLinks]] are now properly synced over
inline and code blocks now properly synced
The are however not properly rendered inside readwise
Improvements to UX of auto-add button
Better styling and also better tooltip explanations
Improvements to the result items UX
hover buttons come faster and hover over result if no spaces are there, resulting in less glitchy behaviour
Spaces are sorted under the date if there are too many
Keep the collapsed-note-setting also on items that are added to results via pagination
Don’t copy the note if not hovered with cmd+c
Fixing hotkey UX of annotating the transcript on YouTube
Improvements to detecting when user has upgraded subscription
Fix template editor modal not closing when clicking outside of it
Fixing highlight color pickers where colors where not editable via the text field
July 1st, 2024
Now you can toggle open the YouTube transcripts with clickable timestamps to jump to the corresponding video section and use time-range filters.
Toggle open/close the transcripts
Filter time frame of transcript
Jump to time in video by clicking on the transcript timestamp
Annotate the text of the transcript
By annotating the text of the transcript, add the timestamp to the annotation.
Search in Transcript
Follow Mode for the transcript scroll
AI beautification of sentence structure of transcript.
Now all just continuous text because of the output from the YT transcript.
One-click summarize or use transcript block as annotation
Anything we're missing?
June 28th, 2024
Create highlight with a color directly via the tooltip on click
Change color of existing highlight
Use hotkeys to create colored highlights and change the color on existing ones:
1 (default) to 6
Edit the highlight colors and labels via the tooltip (click on the edit icon when you hover over it)
Now you can click on an image in a comment and it will show it to you in the original size
Fixed rare race condition bug where if you were to sync your data with a new device and use the annotations before the settings are synced over, it would overwrite your highlight colour settings because it would sync back the "defaults".
Drag & Drop items into Spaces via the dashboard sidebar has regressed
Annotating tables has regressed
June 26th, 2024
Your Memex auth state is now synced with the feature/changelog/roadmap board, making it unnecessary to sign up on a separate platform to give feedback or engage in conversations.
PDFs are now directly openable via the Google-Search results
Big performance improvements for the lists sidebar drag & drop
2 massive mystery sync bugs that we could finally figure out whats happening and fix
Page updates (like changing title) would overwrite the full text field. The same mechanism would make only Tweet title searchable as mentioned here @Full-text index Twitter threads/replies
Because of an untested URL normalisation dependency on React Native, in some cases annotations would not be associated with the right page, and thus seem "lost"
Fix regression with AI queries not working on Dashboard
June 19th, 2024
We have a first version running of the mobile search.
No matter if you are trying to reference a link in a conversation, want to find that recipe you saved while being at the store, or pull up an article from your reading list while taking your morning poop - We got you covered.
For now it only supports title/url and annotations, and soon also Full-Text.
Update to the latest version and you're good to go!
June 18th, 2024
We've significantly overhauled the UI and UX of the dashboard and annotation cards.
Let us know where we can further refine this, very open still to changes.
June 11th, 2024
Adding Spaces via the "space" button of the note field it would only save on the first highlight created
June 10th, 2024
From now on we'll start shipping many new features in early stages behind a Beta Feature flag that people can try out.
To enable them go to "Settings > Beta Features"
Analyze with AI (e.g. extract the text)
Save to Memex
Button that shows on every PDF to open it in the Memex reader
Does not open the thumbnail sidebar by default anymore, leading to better loading experience
Show the "add as new note" and "multi-select" on the output under each response
Show a reminder to save the page when visiting a page for more than 10s, and scrolling down 30% (appears every 5 times until disabled)
Show a reminder to summarize the YouTube video (appears every 5 times until disabled)
YouTube timestamp would not add another space behind the timestamp, leading to all the next text to be a link too
June 4th, 2024
👉 Please share the tweet:
When creating a Space in one tab, it will now immediately show up in the other tabs without need for reloading the current page
Save AI prompt if changed via the Youtube Action Bar.
Increase test coverage for the pricing flows to improve stability
Add ability to delete annotation via the inline annotation card (and make more clear that you an also use cmd+z) to undo highlights
Flickering of the in-page search
When lists are streamed into the AI note field it would sometimes not show anything because of an error thrown
Description keeping state of first selected Space in the dashboard, until reload
When creating a Space via the Action Bar it would double count the daily free trial count
Fix "You've run out of..." powerup request appearing in edge cases where it should have not
When deleting annotations, remove them from page
UI glitch in Auth modal on Firefox
We are in the process of deciding our next bigger feature after we've gone through all of the polish on the current feature set.
Checkout the Roadmap here and upvote what you want to see (or create new suggestions)